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#صاحي : الحق ينقال #اختطاف_الأطفال

قناة صاحي تطلق الحلقة الأولى من برنامج ” الحق ينقال ” والذي يقدمه عمر حسين و يطرح في كل حلقة قضية اجتماعية حساسة ويسآل: ماذا ستفعل لو كنت في هذا الموقف؟
قناة صاحي
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Skate Adventures in Bratislava and Vienna | Skate Of Mind

» CLICK to watch TJ Roger’s film Smile on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/TJRogersSmile
Although very different cities, Vienna and Bratislava lie less than 80km apart, a distance easily traversed in a one hour train journey. For that reason, it makes a great two-for-one proposal for skate adventurers. Maxim Habanec saw the opportuntiy, grabbed his buddies, and shipped out for some street sessions and good times.
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Earthships: A House Made From Beer Cans Sparks a Movement

Directed by Flora Lichtman and Katherine Wells for The Adaptors, this film takes an in-depth look at a community living off the grid in Taos, New Mexico. Residents’ homes are made out of natural and recycled materials and use solar and wind power for energy.
The community’s founder, American architect Michael Reynolds, built his first Earthship house with beer cans in 1972 and has been dedicated to sustainable living for four decades.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!