Zoom Gives Barry a Beatdown + The Atom is Alive! – #DCTV

WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! We’re still reeling from Constantine on Arrow, Harrison Wells on the Flash and the Kryptonian domestic dispute that capped off last week’s Supergirl. How can this week of #DCTV possibly top it? Rotten Tomatoes’ Matt Atchity joins Jason Inman to discuss just that in this new DC All Access clip. Jim Gordon’s having some problems with the ex. The Flash sets a Zoom trap. Ray Palmer is looking pretty good for a dead guy (even if he’s a little on the short side). And Liv and Major are about to explore the sexy side of zombieism (yes, you read that right!). Better clear some space on your DVRs, it’s going to be a wild week.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

How To Make Vegan Bread of Death – Pan de Muerto

Our friends below the border sure know how to celebrate and remember their lost loved ones in a delicious way. Day of the Dead, or Dia de Los Muertos, is one of Mexico’s most important holidays. On this day, Mexican cemeteries and home altars are filled up with sugar skull candies, tamales, hot chocolate, atole, and probably most importantly, pan de muerto.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!