Mark Plotkin: What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t

“The greatest and most endangered species in the Amazon rainforest is not the jaguar or the harpy eagle,” says Mark Plotkin, “It’s the isolated and uncontacted tribes.” In an energetic and sobering talk, the ethnobotanist brings us into the world of the forest’s indigenous tribes and the incredible medicinal plants that their shamans use to heal. He outlines the challenges and perils that are endangering them — and their wisdom — and urges us to protect this irreplaceable repository of knowledge.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

تحديات / تحدي عصير الطماط مع ليمون !! – FIFA 15

الوصفرابط افضل موقع لبيع الكوينز :
كود خصم 8% : GYHUNJ
تويتر حقي :
انستقرام حقي :
تويتش حقي :
السكايبي حقي : ronaldoksa7
BBM : 74346D1A
GYHUNJ1 : PS4... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

How To Make Fig and Onion Glaze with Kelis

Kelis’s fig-and-onion glaze was so good it was tempting to drink it straight out of the bottle—but we settled for slathering it on pork chops instead. The double-Grammy-winning singer is also a professional chef, which makes us all feel really unaccomplished with our own lives. Watch her slice figs, caramelize onions, and grill pork chops while teaching us about her cooking philosophy.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!