If a planet’s orbit around its star is angled just right, the planet will regularly pass in front of or “transit” its star from our point of view. When it does, the planet will block a tiny bit of the star’s light.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Planet Hunting Techniques: Transit Method
If a planet’s orbit around its star is angled just right, the planet will regularly pass in front of or Continue reading
Planet Hunting Techniques: Direct Imaging
Taking a picture of an extrasolar planet sounds like the easiest way to discover a planet, but in reality, it is probably the most difficult. Seeing the faint glow of a planet amidst the brilliant glare of its parent star is like spying a firefly buzzing around a huge spotlight from a mile away.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Planet Hunting Techniques: Direct Imaging
Taking a picture of an extrasolar planet sounds like the easiest way to discover a planet, but in reality, it Continue reading
Planet Hunting Techniques: Radial Velocity
Even though a planet is so much smaller than its star, it still exerts a tiny gravitational tug on the star as it orbits. When a planet is behind its star (from our point of view), it pulls the star slightly away from us. When the planet is in front of its star, it pulls the star slightly toward us. This causes the star to wobble ever so slightly back and forth. Most planets have been discovered after astronomers caught this wobble.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Planet Hunting Techniques: Radial Velocity
Even though a planet is so much smaller than its star, it still exerts a tiny gravitational tug on the Continue reading
Fractal Design Node 804 Cube Case
Fractal Design’s Node 804 is a surprisingly thoughtful re-imagining of a case category that I thought was already pretty mature. The front bezel in particular makes use of what would normally be wasted space in a way that I think is incredibly cool.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Fractal Design Node 804 Cube Case
Fractal Design’s Node 804 is a surprisingly thoughtful re-imagining of a case category that I thought was already pretty mature. The front bezel in particular makes use of what would normally be wasted space in a way that I think is incredibly cool.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!