Son of God(하나님의 아들) | 공식 예고편 ( 한국어 버전 ) [ HD ] | 20th Century Fox/20세기 폭스

영화 Son of God(하나님의 아들)이 2014년 2월 28일 개봉하게 됩니다. 이제 신약 성경의 거대한 이야기는 Son of God(하나님의 아들)을 통해 한편의 웅장한 장편영화로 거듭납니다. 규모있는 스케일의 서사적인 이야기와 함께, 호소력있는 연기와, 이국적인 장소, 눈부신 시각 효과와 아카데미 수상자 한스 짐머의 풍부한 오케스트라 사운드가 더해져 영화의 매력을 더합니다. 영화는 포르투갈 배우 디오고 모르가도가 연기하는 예수님을 통해서 겸허한 출생에서 부터 그의 가르침, 십자가 고난과 부활까지 전달해 드립니다. 영화 패션 오브 크라이스트 이후 10년만에 처음으로 예수님의 삶의 이야기를 여러분께 선보입니다. ... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Son Of God | Tráiler Oficial [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Son of God se estrena en cines el 28 de febrero de 2014. Ahora, la legendaria historia del Nuevo Testamento recibe un tratamiento aún mayor en la película Son of God. Contada con la dimensión y la escala de una épica de acción, la película cuenta con grandes actuaciones, lugares exóticos, efectos visuales deslumbrantes y la partitura orquestal del ganador del Oscar® Hans Zimmer. El actor portugués Diogo Morgado interpreta a Jesús en el film que relata la historia, desde su humilde nacimiento, hasta sus enseñanzas, la crucifixión y la resurrección final. El lanzamiento sin precedentes de Son of God doblada al español, contará con las voces de populares actores latinos como Eduardo Verástegui (Jesús), Blanca Soto (María Magdalena), Jacqueline Bracamontes (Marta), Karyme Lozano (Claudia), Giovanna Acha (María, de joven), Alexander Acha (José), Adal Ramones (Simón), Carlos Ponce (Tomás) y la actriz nominada al Oscar® Adriana Barraza (María). SON OF GOD es la primera película sobre la vida de Jesús desde The Passion of The Christ, estrenada hace 10 años.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Superman Gets John Romita, Jr. & Geoff Johns + San Diego Comic-Con Giveaway – DC All Access (201)

Welcome back to DC All Access! It’s our first new episode of 2014, and as usual, we’re opening big. Dan DiDio joins Geoff Johns to make a major announcement–legendary artist John Romita, Jr. will be teaming up with Johns on Superman! Plus, we chat with the charming Marguerite Bennett and Meghan Hetrick about the Joker’s Daughter, discuss the art of Forever Evil with David Finch, and attend the premiere of the latest DC Universe animated movie, Justice League: War. All this, and we give you a chance to win a trip for you and a friend to San Diego Comic-Con! So be honest, did you miss us?... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Dan Berkenstock: The world is one big dataset. Now, how to photograph it …

We’re all familiar with satellite imagery, but what we might now know is that much of it is out of date. That’s because satellites are big and expensive, so there aren’t that many of them up in space. As he explains in this fascinating talk, Dan Berkenstock and his team came up with a different solution, designing a cheap, lightweight satellite with a radically new approach to photographing what’s going on on Earth.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

طفل مستلم علا الفارس تبويس

( قناة المنوع والجديد حول العالم – اشترك بالقناه ليأتيك كل جديد )
[ حوادث سعوديه وعربيه + حوادث حول العالم + احداث + جرائم + كييك + غرائب + كوميديا +
تعليمي + رياضه + الاكثر مشاهده + وغيرها من المقاطع التي ستجدونها عند الاشتراك بالقناه ]
من يلاحظ بان القناه انتهكت حقوقه في عرض الفيديو فعليه ارسال رساله خاصه الى القناه لحذف الفيديو والاعتذار اليه... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

CreativeStation January Top 10

CreativeStation January Top 10 Video Arts
1.Igor Kazarin
2.Possytiv Designs
3.Christian Cruz
4.Olga Malysheva
5.Guesno Christelle
6.Alexander Koshelkov
7.Ollie J
8.Sergey Likhachev (Batkya)
9.Kung Long
10.FlewDesigns Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!