10 Video Game Secrets That Were Almost Never Found

Sometimes it’s easy to find secrets in video games and sometimes they go years unnoticed! Here are 10 Video Game Secrets That Were Almost Never Found ! subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

Everyone loves a good old video game secret. Game developers are always sneaking Easter eggs into places players would never even think of looking. They do this because they know gamers will explore every nook and cranny of their favourite games in search of some hidden treasure or secret. Nowadays, since we live in the golden age of the internet, it is ridiculously easy to find out video game secrets which has taken a lot of the pleasure out of the search. That is why when a secret is hidden for years or decades, the discovery of it is so much more satisfying than simply searching for it on the internet. Our sense of accomplishment just overpowers us and we feel like kings/queens of the world or at least the video game. Sometimes these Easter eggs are found by hackers diving into lines of video game code to find something abnormal, others are discovered by accident. Even the game developers themselves may spill the beans simply because they could not keep it a secret any longer. Whatever the case may be, these secrets are a simple reminder nothing can remain hidden forever. Sooner or later, all our secrets, and those from the video games we play, will come out for the world to see. From playing as a secret character to using a hidden easy mode password, there have been plenty of video game secrets throughout the decades of gaming history. Enjoy!

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