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This is a quick video about the life of noobs. We explore the common problems all gamers experience as they grow from inexperienced to experienced. These inexperienced gamers are often called Noobs, Newbs, or Newbies, as a derogation.
In the first section we talk about RAAAAGE. All noobs have experienced rage by their fellow online gamers. Often times, people simply have little patience for a noob and their meandering ways. Second, we discuss the process of getting killed repeatedly. Often times, once you’ve been spotted as a noob, it’s like blood in the water and the same people will look to kill you repeatedly.
Third, we talk about improperly using the microphone. This one’s a biggie, though you wouldn’t think so. Fourth, we talk about the Overnight commander. It’s very common for the cocky noob to emerge once they’ve made a few kills, so this should be some nostalgia for all gamers. Next, we discuss not falling in line. Every player remembers their noob days when they were all in it for themselves and not helping the team.
After that we discuss the sacrificial lamb. It’s a technique unintentionally used by noobs where they bite off more than they can chew. From there we talk about bad aim. Every player initially starts each new game with bad aim, it’s merely a learning process. Next we talk about being of no help, because no noob is of any help. Lastly we talk about being the last one alive. For some reason, noobs often end up the last one alive, and it can be super annoying.
Script by: Stuart Hall
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Kyle Anderson
Raaaaage | 0:29
Getting Killed Repeatedly | 1:28
GIF Fodder | 2:24
Improperly Using The Microphone | 3:22
Overnight Commander | 4:19
Not Falling In Line | 5:18
The Sacrificial Lamb | 6:12
Bad Aim | 7:05
Being Of No Help | 8:02
Last One Alive | 8:58
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