10 eSports Games That Should Be In The Olympics (And 5 That Shouldn’t)

10 Video Games That Should Be In The Olympics

The Olympics are perhaps the greatest show of strength, speed and skill on the planet. Hundreds of countries come to compete and show who has what it takes to bring home the gold. With the advent of eSports, the question now is whether they should be in the Olympics. And if so, which games should be included and which ones shouldn’t?

Should eSports be considered an Olympic sport?
If so, which ones deserve to be in?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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Competitive gaming has never been more popular than it is now. With streaming, Let’s Plays, speed runs and walkthroughs, it is clear people want to watch people play games. Now if only there was a large, international event where people from around the world could compete in events and test their skills and strength…hmmmm. Oh yes! The Olympics!

For hundreds of years now, the modern Olympics have been the event for athletes to compete against other nations to test their mettle, their strength and dexterity. In the past, the Olympics have been about sportsmanship and national pride. Today, they are more about who is doping and who is cheating. Not to put a negative spin on the games, but with evolving times, there comes change in the games themselves. For years, people have been speculating and reporting on the possibility for video games, or eSports, to be included in the games.

Of course, not all games are made equal, and not all eSports games should be included in the Olympics. So today, we will be looking at 10 eSports games that should be in the Olympics, and 5 that should not.

So which eSports games do you think should be in the Olympics? Do you think they even need to be a part of the games? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Don’t forget to like this video and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest in gaming.


Script by: Zack Latino

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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