Are you excited about Assassin’s Creed Origins? Well here’s more! 10 Assassin’s Creed Origins Secrets That E3 Didn’t Show You! subscribe now to TheGamer!
Assassin’s Creed was first introduced in 2007 and since then, fans of action adventure games have been treated to the chronicles of a long standing rivalry between The Assassins and The Knights Templar. Historically based fiction is a driving force in the franchise and numerous gamers across the world have become enthralled with the series. The long list of games in the Assassin’s Creed series alone will speak to the fact that it is clearly beloved amongst gamers. From The Renaissance to Colonial America, Imperial China to the Sikh Empire, the involved and intricate storylines of Assassin’s Creed have delivered time and time again.
At E3 in 2017, Ubisoft unveiled another title in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. This time, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, which is not only allegedly the origin story of The Assassins as a secret society but also a brand new world setting. In Ptolemaic Egypt, Bayek the main character of this incarnation of an Assassin, players will be treated to not only a new world, but it appears as though they’ll be treated to an entirely new style of gameplay.
The trailer from Ubisoft for Assassin’s Creed: Origins was impressive, to say the least, but it did not reveal everything about the new title coming out in October 2017. It appears as though there is more to the new title than meets the eye and there may be some secrets that Ubisoft did not show fans at E3. In fact, Ubisoft seems to be taking this title in the Assassin’s Creed franchise in a different direction and fans will ultimately decide if these changes are for the better.